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The Electrical Trainer is a comprehensive educational tool designed for studying and analyzing electrical circuits, measurements, and power systems. It facilitates practical learning by enabling users to explore various configurations, including pure resistive, inductive, and capacitive circuits in series, parallel, and mixed arrangements. The trainer supports voltage and current measurements, power calculations, and power factor determination in both single-phase and three-phase systems. Additionally, it allows for studying power triangles, energy consumption, and phase sequences, making it an essential device for understanding electrical engineering concepts. The trainer also provides insights into advanced topics like resonance, quality factor, power factor improvement, and protection systems, ensuring a well-rounded knowledge base for students and professionals
S t u dy the characteristics of pure resistive, pure
inductive, pure capacitive circuit as individual, series, parallel and series parallel connected condition. – Measuring current and voltage in a R-L, R-C and R- L-C series circuit, parallel circuit and drawing vector diagram. – Determining the value of resistance, inductance, capacitance of R-L, R-C, R-L-C series circuit, Parallel circuit and drawing vector diagram.
– Measuring the active power, reactive power,
apparent power of an electrical load and drawing
Power Triangle.
– Measuring the energy consumed by electric load.
– Determining power factor of R-L, R-C R-L-C series
and parallel circuit.
– Determining phase sequence of 3-phase voltage
EMF source.
– Measuring line and phase voltage & current of 3-
phase star connected inductive load and capacitive
– Measuring line and phase voltage & current of a 3-
phase delta connected inductive load and capacitive
– Measuring three phase power by 3-wattmeter
method and 2- wattmeter method of a balanced 3-
phase star connected and delta connected load.
– Measuring Phase voltage, phase current, line
voltage, line current, neutral point voltage, neutral
current, power of a 3φ ? 4 wire balanced and
unbalanced star connected load. and drawing vector
– Measuring resonant frequency, Q ? factor of R-L-C
series circuit and parallel circuit.
– Study the characteristics of PFI device and
improving power factor of a plant or a load.
– Special Protection system of 440 V direct short-
circuit condition
– Three phase supply indication system
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Designed @ Whisperage.com